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Giant of the Pyrenees

Originally from France and known in the Middle Ages for being a guardian of castles, he is mentioned by Gaston Phoebus in the 14th century.

This dog has a very powerful appearance and, at the same time, balanced and elegant. Their movements are slow, firm and smooth, driven by their powerful hindquarters.


Smooth white or white fur with badger-colored, grayish, yellowish, orange or brown spots on the head, ears and base of the tail. The minimum height for an adult male is 70 cm and weight is 50 kg. Adult females usually measure about 65 cm and weigh 40 kg. Its main and obligatory feature in the breed is the double articulated dewclaw with the functionality of holding them better in the snow and climbing.


Guard but home dogs, currently used for therapy with children with special needs.


Being a protective dog, it can be used not only as a pet but also as a working dog. Its attitude with the flock ranges from protecting to acting as a thermal protector, hugging the new offspring, in which the sheep join again. Their training should begin from the fifth week of age.

Can the Pyrenees giant live in the city at home or in an apartment? If, like any large dog, it is a calm dog, be with humans with moderate exercise very gradually so as not to overstress the growing bones and their weak tissues and, even in the case of adults, you must be careful and go increasing exercise gradually.


As a breeder since 1994 I had the joy of having my first Pyrenean Giant. Upon realizing that the breed practically no longer existed in the country, I decided to breed it so that more families would have the joy of having this wonderful life companion.

Since then I have dedicated myself to obtaining the best bloodlines worldwide. After a lot of work and dedication, the Vlasenko line has specimens with excellent structure, hair, size and of course, temperament.

Currently, several of our specimens have been sent to different countries, giving us great satisfaction, obtaining excellent results in beauty and conformation exhibitions.

-Elena Vlasenko

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